MADISON SOTOS -  Arts, Travel, Food, and Fiction Writer

Born in Washington D.C, based in London       

Currently writing for 'The Upcoming'

Gruyère, Switzerland - photo taken by me

A bit about me...

From a young age, I have had a great appreciation for the craft of storytelling. I have always been intrigued by the impact of words on paper: their capacity to capture and express thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a way that is distinctive from other forms of expression. 

Equal to my love for writing is my love for travel. I am a strong believer in the necessity of travel for breaking out of one’s comfort zone and combatting parochialism. Travel has the capacity to counterbalance tendencies to prioritize one’s own culture and point of view by exposing people to different perspectives and allowing them to experience new cultures and ideas. I am lucky to have been able to combine these two interests to become a travel writer.

This page is a dedicated space for me to share my writing. Articles featured here will focus primarily on travel, arts and culture, and food and drink. I will also include a page dedicated to my published creative works of fiction.

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